A Shop To Build & Teach

I thought I should take a minute to give an update on our boat shop. The entire space has a ton of potential and we have a great team who worked on the design and layout of flooring, light fixtures, etc. A big shout out to Steve Srubas for our master plan which includes gorgeous 14’ windows.

hand tool area at hands on deck

In the North East corner of building 5-5 at 101 Bay Beach Rd, we have a 20x30 hand tool area for meeting and teaching.

This is the “shavings” area where very little dust is made by power tools.

machine room at hands on deck

The machine room has metal walls, and we are doing what we can to cut down on the noise level inside the room.

Like using a large capacity Cyclone Dust Collector with the lowest decibel level possible.


Woodworking Career Alliance