Become a Volunteer.
Hands on Deck is forever indebted to our wonderful volunteers, their gracious hearts, and the wisdom they impart to us all.
Join us as we serve our community.
Strong volunteer support is vital to the operation of our organization. We welcome people passionate about our mission and vision to teach mechanical skills to youth.
Thank you for your interest.
Volunteer Opportunities
Have a specialized skill you'd love to train others in? We'd love to work with you providing the resources and space needed to share your talents with our community.
There's always projects going on in the shop. We'd love your help fixing up old boats, building new ones, or even preparing class materials for our kids' woodworking shop.
Is one-on-one more your style? We have a need for volunteers with a passion to pour into our youth sharing your knowledge, and developing their skills.
Volunteer Spotlight
John Seaman
John Seaman is our rowing director, boat hull manager, and as a board member he serves on our building committee. He is an all around critical volunteer at Hands On Deck. John has been rowing Adirondack Guide boats since he was a young man in New York, and has won the Willard Hanmar Guideboat race many times over the years. He is passionate about Austin Healy sports cars and is very active in the local British car club here in Wisconsin. If you want to speak with John about his volunteering experiences at HOD, please reach out to us and we will connect you!
Thank you John!

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
— Winston Churchill
Volunteer with us!
Interested in volunteering? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!